*You will receive a conformation email after you finish. If you are reading this in your email this email is your conformation email.
*You must pay in advance for all services.
*You will receive a Paypal money request for the service you signed up for shortly after you finish scheduling.
*Please pay immediately after scheduling or you will lose your appointment.
*In the event that you have trouble making your payment you can contact me at spirit2spirit@hotmail.com to inform me of your situation in order to keep your current appointment.
*I will also trouble shoot your payment issue.
*By ordering this service you are agreeing to the Terms of Use, Disclaimer, and Privacy Policy documents found on/in the www.thebestclairvoyant.com website
*If you came to this site through other means please go to
and read these documents.
*Even if the Clickbook system has confirmed your appointment it is still possible that error(s) may occur. In the event that your chosen appointment needs to be changed or canceled by RGG, you will receive notification through the contact methods you provide as soon as humanly possible.
Thank you. I look forward to working with you, RGG